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Lesson 3 The scope resolution operator
ObjectiveUnary form of the scope resolution operator.

Unary Form of the Scope Resolution Operator in C++

The scope resolution operator's unary form is used to access a variable or object that is at external scope and that has been "hidden" by an identically named variable or object declared at local or class scope.

int count = 0;        //external variable
void how_many(double w[], double x, int& count){
 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
  count += (w[i] == x);
 ++ ::count;         //keep track of calls

A namespace is a sort of family name that prefixes all the names declared within the namespace. The names in the standard library are all defined within a namespace that has the name std. cout and endl are names from the standard library so the full names are std::cout and std::endl. Those two colons together, ::, have a very fancy title: the scope resolution operator. I’ll have more to say about it later. Here, it serves to separate the namespace name, std, from the names in the Standard Library such as cout and endl. Almost all names from the Standard Library are prefixed with std.
The code for a namespace looks like this:
namespace ih_space {
// All names declared in here need to be prefixed
// with ih_space when they are reference from outside.
// For example, a min() function defined in here
// would be referred to outside this namespace as ih_space::min()

Everything between the braces is within the ih_space namespace.
Warning: he main() function must not be defined within a namespace. Things that are not defined in a namespace exist in the global namespace, which has no name.

Example of unary scope resolution operator

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int n = 5; 

int main(){
  double n = 11.7;
  cout << "Local double value of n = " << n
    << "\nGlobal int value of n = " << ::n << endl;
  return 0;

Local double value of n = 11.7
Global int value of n = 5

Defining Methods

The preceding definition for the SpreadsheetCell class is enough for you to create objects of the class.
However, if you try to call the setValue() or getValue() methods, your linker will complain that those methods are not defined. That is because the class definition specifies the prototypes for the methods, but does not define their implementations. Just as you write both a prototype and a definition for a stand-alone function, you must write a prototype and a definition for a method. Note that the class definition must precede the method definitions. Usually the class definition goes in a header file, and the method definitions go in a source file that includes that header. Here are the definitions for the two methods of the SpreadsheetCell class:

#include "SpreadsheetCell.h"
void SpreadsheetCell::setValue(double inValue){
 mValue = inValue;
double SpreadsheetCell::getValue() const{
 return mValue;

Note that the name of the class followed by two colons precedes each method name:
void SpreadsheetCell::setValue(double inValue)

The :: is called the scope resolution operator. In this context, the syntax tells the compiler that the coming definition of the setValue() method is part of the SpreadsheetCell class. Note also that you do not repeat the access specification when you define the method.