Problem Analysis  «Prev 

Modeling Associations

Roles and constraints
Roles and constraints

  1. Role: must have a name or roles or both
  2. Association name: must have a name or roles or both
  3. Role: must have a name or roles or both
  4. Class
  5. Constraint: optional
  6. Multiplicity: required
  7. Association
  8. Multiplicity: required
  9. Class

Binary Association

The notation for a binary association is a line or path connecting the participating classes. The association name is placed along the line with the rolename and multiplicity at each end, as shown in Figure 2-7.1
Figure 2-7.1: Association notation
Figure 2-7.1: Association notation

Figure 2-7.2:Association class containing organization and person
Figure 2-7.2:Association class

An association can also have attributes of its own, in which case it is both an association and a class, an association class
(see Figure 2-7.2).