Sequence Diagram   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 8

Sequence diagram Conclusion

Interaction diagrams and interfaces

One of the toughest problems in designing software is deciding what to include. Every element of that decision requires time and money to develop and support.
How can you be sure that the time and money are spent in the most effective way?
The process described in this module suggests that one approach is to use the class diagram, sequence diagram, and use case model together as a kind of cross-reference. Comparing the three views against one another can help discover and justify the operations and attributes required to support the user expectations for the system.

Domain Driven Design
In this module, you learned:
  1. The purpose and function of the interaction diagrams: Discover and define class interfaces.
  2. How to map use case scenarios to sequence diagrams: Use one scenario to create one sequence diagram. Map each event in the scenario to an event in the sequence diagram. Assign responsibility for the event to a sending object and a receiving object.
  3. The value of interactions for object modeling: Justify the need for each class interface as part of use case requirement.
  4. How to discover and document operations from interactions: Convert each event to an operation.
  5. How to discover and document attributes from operations: Convert all operation arguments and returns into attributes. Track down the sources for every attribute identified in the sequence.

Terms to be familiar with

  1. Event
  2. Scenario
  3. Use Case

Interaction Diagram - Quiz

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Interaction Diagram - Quiz