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Lesson 10 Free store operators
Objective C++ delete operator

C++ delete Operator

Examine the use of the operator delete to deallocate free store memory.

The operator delete destroys a variable created by new, in effect returning its allocated storage to free store for re-use. The operator delete returns type void and has two forms.

Non-array form

When the corresponding new expression did not allocate an array, you use this form:
delete expression


p = new my_type;

is executed, you use
delete p;

to deallocate the free store used by p.

Array form

When the corresponding new expression allocated an array, you use this form:
delete []expression


p = new my_type[size];

is executed, you use
delete []p;

to deallocate the free store used by p. In the next lesson, we will look at how new and delete are used to dynamically allocate an array.